Introduction: The First Great War
After thousands of years of harmony, friction arises between the races. A council is formed to provide governance to all of the Ancients.
However, discovery leads to greed, corruption, and disagreement over values and ways of life. Conflict arises.
The council appoints Cima and Arvid to resolve the conflict.
Thousands of years have passed (theoretically speaking as the world remains timeless) between the appearance of Weka on Azoria and the time in which the five races of Ancients first met one another. It was a period of calm and yet confusing for all, as newly developing races, they were trying to ascertain when and where they are, who they are, and how all came to be. This was a period of both confusion and enlightenment, and it was the development of a common language which bonded them all together in the earliest times. Each of the races began to realise, learn and understand the many ways that Weka has influence over Organic Matter and Elements. There were many discoveries during this early period of time.
Defined Cultures: Early Differences Pursuing Knowledge of Weka[]
Each of the five races of Ancients had developed their own belief systems, traditions, and ways of living; some were purely devoted to Weka and intertwined their lives with a spiritual focus while others became educators capturing knowledge and learnings to develop and evolve society. Some became more spiritual in nature through meditation and connection to learn how to connect with the Upper Stream, and to travel the realms outside of their bodies, while others pursued alternative forms of knowledge through more scientific studies and research to expand their knowledge of Weka and its interaction with Organic Matter and Elements. Some simply chose to connect to the world in a more harmonious way, recognising that their own vibration or resonance itself interacted with Weka; through this they learned to expand, grow and develop themselves.
The Council of Ancients[]
Over a period, the five races recognised that with further interactions, there could be potential misunderstandings or conflicts as it related to learning how to interact with, use and potentially manipulate Weka. As a result, they recognised the potential dangers misusing Weka could bring, and formed the Council of Ancients, a selected group of ancients from each race who came together to define the governance and proper use of Weka.
The council set out to unite all of the races together with a common set of rules, structures, and laws for which all citizens across all of the realms could follow. These ‘rules of alignment’ were created to ensure that the order of harmony and stability would naturally follow the natural laws of Weka, encouraging time and space to remain stable. They also recognised the potential disruption to life that could occur if Weka, Time or Space was altered, modified, or changed not in accordance with ‘natural law’.
The council saw this bonding of the races as an opportunity to increase trade, collaboration, and sharing of knowledge and belief systems, as well as an opportunity to help each other discover the many secrets that remained undiscovered in their world in a positive and enlightened way through guidance, meditation and common philosophical beliefs.
Discord: The First Great War[]
As Weka and exploitation of Organic Matter was harvested and experimented upon it became clear that misuse could be dangerous. Unfortunately, over time, friction arose between the races over their different values and ways of life as well as differences in opinion about the boundaries being set on the use of Weka and Organic Matter. New discoveries and shared experiences lead to fear and distrust.
Little is documented about what actually happened during this time - only that there was conflict amongst the inhabitants of Azoria, that mysterious events created a crack in the heart of the world, and disrupted the ebb and flow of Weka, a sombre warning of what was at stake, and what might be lost.
During this disruption in Weka, time and space itself, the light of the Harmony flickered and waned, indicating an energetic disturbance. All feared the Harmony Crystal could shatter. The lower vibrations caused by fear and anxiety lowered the collective vibration of the living inhabitants and their “light bodies”, and this in turn was causing dysphoria within Azoria.
To help ease the tension of the Discord and create a balance between the life forces and the entropy of Azoria, a pair of council advocates stepped forward as leaders with a plan:
- Cima of the Melat'v'dia
- Arvid of the Dragons
The council believed in them and saw in them a natural balance between two different philosophies of the council. Cima and Arvid both felt a “calling” – an internal motivation and desire to step forwards and lead where others had failed to resolve the conflicts. When they rose up as advocates, it was a fulfillment of their live’s missions and they pursued this together with purpose.