Dreams Quest Wekapedia

Almost every action Players make while exploring Azoria, rewards them with various amounts of Experience (XP). Discovering new locations, defeating powerful enemies or completing extensive quests are only a small amount of activities that will allow Players to level-up and develop their character in a variety of ways.

Levelling Up[]

The following list are examples of how the player can gain experience:

  • Completing Quests
  • Completing Achievements and Challenges
  • Discovering new locations and unlocking new Wekapedia entries
  • Defeating enemies
  • Crafting items
  • Completing puzzles

Upon levelling up, the player will receive three Attribute Points and one Skill Point.

  • Attribute Points can be assigned to Primary Attributes, enhancing the core abilities for the character.
  • Skill Points can be used in the Skill Trees to unlock Talents or Skills.

Primary Attributes[]

Primary Attributes (PA) are the main characteristics of the character, defining its main abilities and strengths.

Each time a player levels up, they obtain 3 Attribute Points, to freely assign to any of the 6 Primary Attribute:

Primary Attributes
Life Force Increases Health, Physical and Energetic Armor, as well as Health Regeneration.
Fortitude Increases Endurance, Endurance Regeneration, Poise and Resistance.
Power Increases Strength, Critical Damage and Disruption.
Resonance Increases Weka, Weka Regeneration and Wisdom.
Energy Increases Spells Efficiency, Cooldown Reduction, Crystal Capacity and Weka Usage Reduction.
Enlightenment Increases Bonus Experience, Luck and Movement Speed.

Secondary Attributes[]

In addition to Primary Attributes, there are also Secondary Attributes (SA).

As visible in the table above, each Primary Attribute is connected to different Secondary Attributes. Secondary Attributes are this way divided into 6 categories, based on the PA they are connected to.

There are two ways to improve Secondary Attributes:

  • Assigning Attribute Points to the connected PA. Most SA are automatically improved when the corresponding PA is increased: assigning 1 Attribute Point to Life Force will increase Health, Armor, Health Regeneration.
    • Not every SA increases with points assigned to PA. For example, Lifesteal is not enhanced when increasing Life Force.
  • Obtaining Modifiers from equipment, spells, elixirs etc.

Some examples of Secondary Attributes are:

Secondary Attributes
Lifesteal Increases the amount of HP restored per attack.
Reflection Increases the amount of damage reflected to the enemy for every hit taken.
Poise Increases the resistance to stagger, posture break, knockdown.
Disruption Increases Poise damage.
Wisdom Increases Energetic Damage dealt by staffs or spells that scale on it.


Modifiers are defined as bonuses that increase Primary or Secondary attributes. They can be obtained from various sources like equipment, temporary buffs, spells, elixirs or the skills tree.

Some Spells can give temporary +5% Bonus Health, some Elixirs can restore some Endurance but also increase the Physical Damage for 5 seconds at the same time, some Talents can reduce the Spells Cooldown by 10%; these are all Modifiers, effectively changing the values of Primary or Secondary Attributes.

Equipment Modifiers[]

Equipment pieces have a number of Modifiers based on the rarity:

  • 1: common
  • 2: rare
  • 4: epic
  • 5: legendary

Modifiers are randomly assigned to the equipment once it’s generated in the game (dropped, given as reward, found in chests etc.).

Not every modifier can be found on any equipment piece, for example Physical Perforation can only be found in Quimmel’s parts, Power Gloves and Jewellery, while Poise only on Armor Pieces.

Once a new part is generated in the game, random Modifiers are assigned to it, with a random value in a predefined range. For example the Critical Chance range is 18% - 24%, so when a Legendary Blade is found AND the Critical Chance modifier is randomly assigned, a number between 18 and 24 is randomly picked.

The predefined ranges are all about the Legendary Version of the equipment, while Common items can only get 25% of that range (4.5 - 6, based on the example above), Rare 50% and Epic 75%.

Most modifiers can give both flat and percentage bonuses. For example an equipment with the Health modifier can either be found with +50HP or +5% HP.

Skill Trees[]

Players will obtain one Skill Point per level, which can be freely assigned to any of the Skills Tree, as long as the Talent or Skill chosen is unlocked and available.

The skills tree consists of seven tiers which are:

  • Discovery
  • Discernment
  • Perception
  • Illumination
  • Vision
  • Mastery
  • Enlightenment

Each level of the tree consists of both Skills and Talents. The first ones are active abilities (or upgrades of active abilities) like double jump, Power Glove parry, while Talents are passive upgrades for the character.

Some Talents and Skills have an additional requirement to be fulfilled before getting unlocked:

Skills Trees
Quest (Q) The player has to complete a certain task or quest. The icon in the Skill Tree UI will have a Q on one side.
Connection (C) The player has to unlock another Talent/Skill from a different Tree. The icon in the Skill Tree UI will show a chain icon.
Skill Points (xSP) The player needs more than one Skill Point to unlock certain Talents/Skills.
Tree Connection (TC) The player needs to spend a certain amount of SP in the same Tree.


Some examples of Talents are:

  • Resourceful: OM now have 10% more properties.
  • Elixirs Master: Elixirs now last 3s longer.
  • Swift Charge: Movement Speed in combat is now increased by 15%.
  • On the Edge: Damage is now increased by 10% when below 15% HP.
  • Quick Reflexes: Movement speed is increased by 10% for 5 seconds after killing an enemy, and recharge a dash charge.


Skills are permanent active mechanics that can be unlocked, upgrades for already unlocked mechanics or upgrades for Spells.

Some examples of Skills are:

  • Crystal Master III: Unlocks Crystals Upgrading.
  • Enchantment I: Unlocks Enchantments of Equipment with Elements.
  • Lockpicking I: Unlocks lockpicking for forcing level 1 locks.
  • Mark of Destruction II: the Mark now shoots 2 projectiles instead of 1.